Friday, June 11, 2010

It's the Weekend

Sorry I've been MIA. I hope everyone has a great weekend. xoxo

Monday, May 24, 2010

I love this!! This was actually done on a sidewalk!! Imagine that.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Amazing Tuesdays

People are pretty creative can you believe that this is actually a person's hand.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I Accepted the Challenge

I accepted the challenge 101 things to do in 365 Days. I actually saw this on another blog and became inspired to actually do this. Here are some of things from my list. *Work more on my blog *Do Something Amazing *Smile at a stranger *Get into Surgical Tech School Be adventurous Meditate *Make A on a Test Be honest with someone The ones with the stars by it I actually have checked off my list! I think this a great idea to accomplish some mini goals and do some of the things you want to do. I challenge you all to create a goal list. It does not have to be 101 things just something to get you inspired and motivated about life. Please share with me if you decide to take the challenge.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cocktail Fridays: Stolly Dolly

Ingredients 175ml champagne 25ml/1 shot Stolichnaya Vodka slice of orange Instructions pour the champagne into a half pint glass and add a shot of stolichnaya, garnish the glass with the slice of orange, once towards the end of the glass squeeze th slice of orange in to glass for a finale it's a simple but effective, inspired by Absolutly Fabulous


Some of these images were taken from the web. If you own the rights to one of the images and want it removed please email me.